A lot of readers asked to be kept up to speed on the saga of Old Naked Man. I'm sorry to report that only a few weeks after my last ONM post, he began to slowly stack boxes in front of his kitchen window until my view into the kitchen was completely blocked! I feared he was packing to move and it appears I was correct. For the past several weeks the apartment has been empty, windows open, no lights...
Not to worry though, a different "Ole Nekkity Man" has moved into the building across the alley. There's a full view of his room from our dining room window during the day. He's not as sweet and innocent as the former Old Naked Man. In fact, he's a little creepy. His room is small and contains a sheetless mattress with a black ashtray sitting atop, a small chair, a television and a phone with a curly attached cord. We have never seen him doing anything other than sitting in his chair smoking while talking on his phone. He appears to be wearing a shirt but no pants...and he will occasionally give himself a scratch (a visiting friend insisted that what I think is a phone cord is actually a tube from an oxygen machine and that the occasional scratching was more than occasional and perhaps not scratching, ew!)
Whatever the case, this new Ole Nekkity Man is certainly an interesting character. We've been wondering if he'll ever get some sheets for his bed...and some pants.
DIY Knife Sharpness Testing Robot
1 year ago